Recent Blog Posts

Below is a collection of recent blog posts covering topics from personal finance to latest economic and market developments.  Choose a category on the right hand side if there's a particular subject that interests you.  If there is anything you'd like us to answer (and possibly feature on our blog) submit a question on our You Ask, We Answer form found at the bottom.

22 December, 2021

On Bonds and Inflation

Developed market government bonds have rallied across the board since the news about the Omicron variant emerged....

21 December, 2021

10 Ways to Grow Your RRSP

It’s no secret that Canadians are increasingly relying on their own resources to fund their retirement. Here are ten strategies to help your RRSP grow and increase your retirement capital....

19 November, 2021

Your Retirement Income: Too Important to Leave to Chance

In a recent survey, we found that 70% of those polled were concerned about their retirement strategy....

01 November, 2021

Our Perspective: Steady Recovery Despite Recent Market Reset

In his Q3 update, Rana Chauhan, Counsel’s Chief Investment Strategist, reminds investors that staying focused on their investment goals means embracing the realities of investing. ....

05 July, 2021

Appointing an Executor: Who Will You Choose?

When appointing an executor for your estate, the person who first comes to mind won’t necessarily become your final choice....

11 June, 2021 Estate planning

The Importance of Estate Planning: What, why, who, and how explained

Estate planning is all about protecting your loved ones by planning a smooth transfer of your assets to your heirs. It’s about giving you peace of mind...

01 June, 2021

Protecting Your Children From ‘Affluenza’ | IPC Wealth

Imagine an affluent couple whose wealth is self-made after decades of hard work and disciplined financial planning. They have a child who’s 18. Now, the couple is giving serious thought to the handing down of wealth....

14 May, 2021

Are Your Heirs in the Dark? | Planning Heirs Financial Future

A lack of communication between parents and children may be leaving inheritors are in the dark about their financial future and many benefactors risk not having their wishes carried out as planned....

06 May, 2021 Portfolio Management Retirement

Why Evolve Your Financial Plan as Your Wealth Increases

For many people saving for retirement, their financial life often looks something like a portfolio that consists of traditional investments, generally fixed income and equities; estate planning involves drafting a will and naming an executor; or....

30 April, 2021

Understanding Your Investment Performance

Timing can be everything, especially in investing, and the timing and size of deposits and withdrawals can also influence your investment outcomes....

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